Invitation for the next free CRS-ZOOM-Session
We will hold a Zoom session and provide further information about the upcoming CRS course in Morocco. Everyone is invited to join at no cost or obligation! The next session date is: Tuesday the 18th of June 2024 at 8 p.m Moroccan time. Please use the registration form below, so we can send you the Zoom invitation link beforehand.
In the following video Frank is explaining more about the CRS Method.
In the following video Frank is explaining more about the CRS Method.
You may choose subtitles for the video as you like, Arabic or French for example.
Fill out this form to join the next free CRS-Zoom-Session
Feel free to join the Telegram group "CRS Course in Morocco 29-30 June"
By joining this group, you can ask questions about the course and receive the latest information about it.
Click To Join The Telegram Group