Energy Healing: The new CRS Method

CRS stands for “Causal Regeneration System.” It is a technique that works with body stores, Rapid Eye Movement, and intention.

The CRS method is an easy-to-apply method that can be used for many physical illnesses, chronic diseases, stress, mental stress, physical and emotional trauma, and unresolved conflicts, such as family problems, relationship problems, and workplace problems.

Whether the issue is physical, psychological, energetic, or otherwise, it is addressed directly, blockages are released, healing processes are activated, and energies are harmonized.

Learn, how to use CRS for yourself, helping others or to add it to your business as practitioner.

How CRS has been helping others!

"I had an accident, where my bones of the elbow broke. Afterwards I was not able to fully flex my arm. I had extreme pain and stiffness. This also had an impact on my sleep. CRS was very helpful and has been speeding up my recovery extremely."
"My passion is Martial Arts and I do Kickboxing. I have a long-standing issue with my foot. I had surgery 5 years ago to remove tumors. Since then, I have not been able to exercise intensely, because my foot got inflamed quickly. After each inflammation, I needed several days to recover. CRS changed my life, as I was able to do intense exercises without further inflammation after the treatment."

How is CRS working?

CRS works through kinesiological testing, each individual case and its corresponding solutions are precisely worked out.

By activating body areas and inducing rapid eye movement, the body’s memory of trauma is erased and new impulses are set.

We use the knowledge that any event, whether physical, psychological, or energetic, is stored in the body.
This concept is a familiar one across various traditions and disciplines concerned with healing.
In Chinese Medicine, the “Yin” is the body substance, which stores everything, including experience.
In bioenergetics, according to Wilhelm Reich, traumas are stored in tissue.
In German New Medicine, according to Dr. Geerd Hamer, every unresolved trauma occurs psychologically, physically in the tissues, and in the brain (the so-called Hamer foci).
Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk, renowned psychiatrist and trauma expert has argued that the body “keeps the score”, and an increasing number of other medical systems have also recognised the concept of “body memory”.

Since everything is stored in the body and its surrounding energy fields – influencing the body and its fields allows healing through release.

Use CRS for yourself, others and even apply it remotely!

CRS is versatile and accessible, it can be applied in various ways:

  • Distance healing: CRS can be applied at distance via a medium, while the client is not physically present herself.

  • Local application: CRS can be applied directly to the patient’s body locally.

  • Self-application: Once you have learned the technique, you can also apply CRC to yourself.

This way you can use CRS for self treatment, help your loved ones and also do distance healing to expand your reach as practitioner to have an impact far beyond your local area.

Integrate CRS into your healing business

Integrating the CRS method into your healing practice can significantly enhance the services you offer by addressing a wide range of physical, psychological, and emotional issues.
CRS is easy to learn – simply take advantage of the next CRS course.
It can also be applied remotely, allowing you to attract clients worldwide. Additionally, you’ll benefit from continuous support through an upcoming CRS practitioners group, where you can further develop your skills and knowledge over time.

Check out the next CRS course dates and locations!

As a healer, consider how integrating the CRS method will broaden your therapeutic offerings and elevate the standard of care you provide. CRS could be a pivotal addition to your practice, aligning with and enhancing your holistic health mission.

Click to check for the next upcoming CRS courses.