Frank Brazkiewicz was born in Bremen, Germany in 1967 and studied medicine at the University of Lübeck.

He began training in Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Gong, and meditation techniques at the start of his studies in 1988, learning from various teachers and masters (Taoist, Tibetan Buddhist, and Sufi). He further deepened his meditative experiences in Christian monasteries.

During this time, he also began intensive training in Chinese medicine and earned his first acupuncture diploma while still a student. In the last 2 years of his studies, he worked as an acupuncturist for the pain clinic at the university hospital. During this time, he founded the TCM working group at the university and held a weekly two-hour course on “Traditional Chinese Medicine” for doctors, students, and other interested parties. In addition, Frank Brazkiewicz gave Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong courses for sports clubs and health insurance companies as well as at the TAO Center Lübeck.

After completing his studies in 1996, Frank Brazkiewicz worked as a doctor in a clinic for detoxification and rehabilitation of drug addicts. The clinic’s concept was, among other things, to heal patients from their drug addiction with acupuncture and herbs. In this context, Mr. Brazkiewicz became a trainer of the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association e.V.) and gave many acupuncture courses for clinics and institutions in Germany and abroad in the following years.

From 1999, Frank Brazkiewicz worked in an acute care hospital, where he was employed as a ward doctor in internal medicine and geriatrics. He headed the internal medicine intensive care unit as a ward doctor for six months.

His next stop was surgical training in a district hospital. There he was deployed in the emergency service.

His love of Chinese medicine eventually led him to a general medical practice specializing in naturopathy and TCM.

His training in Qi Gong and meditation deepened when Frank Brazkiewicz met a Tibetan Buddhist teacher and a Sufi master in 1997, who have given him deep teachings ever since. He was able to combine this with Christian and Taoist techniques and teachings.

In another 5-year full-time training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, he acquired comprehensive knowledge of all areas of TCM and became a lecturer at the German Society for Traditional Chinese Medicine (DGTCM) e.V. and the Heidelberg School of Chinese Medicine in 2001.

Among his most outstanding teachers are Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Greten and Prof. Manfred Porkert.

In his practice in Germany, in the professional societies and especially in lectures for an interested audience, he teaches the basics and diagnostics of TCM, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tai Chi Chuan / Qi Gong and various meditation techniques.

He has been a lecturer for Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of Porto since 2006.

He has been the DGTCM’s education officer till 2018.

From 2013 to 2015 he completed a 3-year training in Yin Style Bagua Acupuncture in London with Andrew Nugent Head.

His other completed training courses include:

Balance Acupuncture with Richard Tan. Medical Taping with Physio Tape. Training in the Fascia Distortion Model (FDM) of the Typaldos Method.

In addition, Mr. Brazkiewicz completed a four-year training in classical canonical Chinese medicine with Arnaud Versluys (ICEAM).

Mr. Brazkiewicz has been practicing TCM for over 25 years and established his own practice in his hometown of Bremen at the end of 2002. There he has been treating patients with the entire spectrum of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His speciality was the treatment of patients who have already been unsuccessfully treated, as well as Chinese herbal medicine therapy.

In 2021 he closed his practice in Bremen and went with his wife to Portugal, where they live together with a group of his students in a sustainable living project. This project and the collaborative work within the group allows him to fully dedicate himself to spirituality, healing studies, and practice.

Frank learned the CRS method in 2020 and integrated this method into his work. Surprisingly many treatment methods here was using before, where no longer necessary, because the CRS method was much more effective and easier to apply.

One of the goals of his current work is to empower individuals to heal themselves and regain balance again.

This approach goes beyond the physical level, addressing emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects. It explores blockages from past lives, the family system, and ancestral influences.


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As a healer, consider how integrating the CRS method will broaden your therapeutic offerings and elevate the standard of care you provide. CRS could be a pivotal addition to your practice, aligning with and enhancing your holistic health mission.

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